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Welcome to Fountain of Joy Christian Church

Saturday Gathering

Welcome to our family!

We are committed to keep the Great Commandment, build a large family in Christ, with believers helping and edifying each other, rooted in God’s words and growing in faith.

2.30 pm – 4.30 pm (Every Saturday)
166—170 South PDE Auburn , NSW 2144

Fountain of Joy Christian Church Incorporated

We are an independent Christian church, devoted to preach the gospel, train disciples and aim to provide a platform for believers who are keen to serve. We hope more of God’s workers can grow spiritually amongst us and become precious vessels of God.

That they may be equipped to fulfil the Great Commission, serve the local Chinese community with Agape love, provide their overseas compatriots an opportunity to hear the good news, lead people to Christ, assist Chinese immigrants assimilate into the local Christian culture and receive the love, peace and joy of Christ while abroad!


Our Location

We are located in New South Wales, welcome to join us!

166 – 170 South PDE Auburn , NSW 2144


Support Us

If you want to support the continuous work of the church through your dedication, please click the button on the right for more details. Thank you for your support to the Fountain of Joy Christian Church Incorporated!